I have only played the 3rd Edition and on that one he won't let you leave after you get all his info so you trade him ipecac, then click on the "tell him it tastes like candy" option. It poisons him and he falls over, then you can leave. So I imagine on the 2nd one it would be similar, trade him poison or whatever you have that will hurt him then leave.
"To get a zamorak page you must buy it from the grand exchange or you have to be lucky enough to get one from a level 3 treasure trail." I got a zamorak page 3 from a level 1 treasure trail and my cousin got a sardomin page 2 from a level one treasure trail so it doesnt have to be level 3.
CMMi level 3 Certified company
Jellies or Avianes
The average PH level is between 4.17 and 4.94
Random Reward from Treasure Trail Level 3 clues ( dropped by high level monsters in members ).
that's the gear oil level that's the gear oil level
Its height (above mean sea level): metres Its length: kilometres - or metres if it is a really short trail.
the guilt of the accused
water level
water level
500 ft above sea level
The average humidity level in the Amazon rainforest typically ranges from 77% to 88%, making it a very humid environment. This high humidity contributes to the lush vegetation and biodiversity found in the region.