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Use Water Poke Assists and be careful, or use a Psychic Poke Assist.

Improved AnswerEspeon would help with the Psychic PokeAssists, but Grovyle would be useless against Entei. If you would like to, use Umbreon's Dark-type PokeAssist to double the capture line's length. This may help avoid Entei's fireballs. Be aware, though, that the Dark-type PokeAssist sacrifices some styler energy.

I recommend using a Water-Type Assist with a Ground-type one as backup.

What I do is use a bug type on Riaku, Minun on Suicune, and water Pokemon on entei. Electric pokem rock too.

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15y ago

It's easy you just have to wait until entei starts running around and theres nothing there and no flame is around him then you should zap him with (plusle or minum)

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Q: How do you defeat Entei in Pokemon Ranger for the second time after Rock and Ground assists failed Will Espeon Umbreon or Grovyle help with this?
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well Espeon is a light purple and umbreon is black _______________________________________________________________________ That's not really an important difference. Espeon is a Psychic type, Umbreon is a Dark type. you can find out more by going to google, typing in "Pokemon" and clicking the "I'm feeling lucky" button. when you get to the Pokemon site, use the Pokedex to compare them by typing in their names where you can search for all Pokemon. The pokedex will always be updated with new Pokemon, so it will definitely have EVERY Pokemon since Pokemon ever had it's first Pokemon. ________________________________________________________________________________________-- umbreon is a dark type so you can make it happy and evolve it at night and espeon is a psychic type so you can make it happy and evolve it in the morning

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Well, you start out with Espeon and Umbreon, if that's what you mean.

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