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Well, the best to do would be to get the advice of the people that work at the Xbox Hot-line. There number is: 1-800-4my-xbox or 1-800-469-9269. When mine went to the "red rings of death" (if that is what you are talking about) first you would turn off your xbox. Remove the hard drive from the system. Then turn the Xbox on. The ring should turn the green norm. Then turn the xbox off once again. put the hard drive back in. Wait a few moments then turn it on. That should solve the problem. If not, the hot-line is definitely a worthwhile number to call. As long as you have not tampered with the Hardware of the system you will be able to send it in free of charge and they will fix it as long as the warranty still applies.

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15y ago
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13y ago

it means your xbox has the red ring of death and you need a new one or you can call Microsoft and send it to them and thell fix it

just send it to Microsoft ok ok

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12y ago

this means that the cable to the tv is ether not plugged to the Xbox or it is faulty

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