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You can't.

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Q: How do you get infinite health and POW Points without an Action Replay on Sonic Chronicles The Dark Brotherhood?
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Does anyone have or want action replay cheat codes for sonic chronicles the dark brotherhood?

yes the are some codes for sonic chronicles the dark brotherhood for example-OVER 1000000 RINGS------------------022262F4 000F432F

What is the action replay ds code to be silver the hedgehog in sonic chronicles the dark brotherhood?

there isn't one

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No Such Thing That I know Of So Far =/

Is there a action replay code to turn sonic into super sonic in sonic chronicles dark brotherhood?

Please, no cheating!

Where can i get Sonic Chronicles The Dark Brotherhood action replay codes?

I think your going to have to wait until releases them or try to look it up online

How do you get infinite rare candies without action replay?

you can't

Are there any UK action replay cheats for sonic chronicles The dark brotherhood?

there are sum codes. i dont know them off by heart but they are on neoseeker hope dis helped ^_^

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How do you get infinite rare candies without using action replay?

that's not possible

How do you get infinite rare candies in Pokemon pearl without action replay?

you cant only if you have icheat or action replay

Is there a cheat for infinite master balls on Pokemon emerald without a gameshark or action replay?

$#@! no

Infinite health in sonic and the black night?

Not without an action replay or gameshark of any kind.