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Hello everyone. I'm here with a rough guide to effective team killing in Modern Warfare 2.

**Hardcore Ricochet Search and Destroy

----Unfortunately, mass killing your entire team with an RPG just is not possible anymore due to this annoying feature called ricochet damage.

If you're a dedicated teamkiller, here is what you can do to mess with your team.

******Follow one guy around and constantly get in his view. Firing your weapons into the air to attract enemy attention.

---This is extremely effective if he's a sniper. Just stand in front of him and mirror his moves so that he never has a free moment to aim and focus on ANYTHING.

**Potential outcomes:

---He will get annoyed with you and just try to run away and find a new spot, which you will just follow him to.

---You will both get shot and killed by someone.

-----Your dream outcome: he will get so annoyed that he'll actually shoot you, killing himself.

******Destroy your team's claymores. They think their back is covered, NOPE!

******Camp in a random corner with a riot shield until you're the last man standing. If it gets to that point and you're just amazing at the game, feel free to pull off the riot shield clutch. Otherwise, kill yourself with an explosive to send a message to your team that you just don't give a damn about them.

******Hardcore Ricochet HQ: Don't even waste your time here

******Hardcore Team Deathmatch: The team killer's bread and butter. The only game mode really worth playing if you're focused on team killing.


***Mass kill your entire team with an AT4/RPG at the start of the round. If you're good you'll get all 5 of them, and hopefully they'll have mics so you can drink their tears of joy. This will put you on a long "FRIENDLY FIRE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED" timer, anywhere from 2-3 minutes based on how many friendlies you just fired.

-----> Quit the match, go to recent players, and join session in progress. Your team killer queue is reset, and you're free to roam the map and hunt your teammates. Obviously, kill any enemies who try to steal your team kills.

***Hunt them down and pick them off with whatever random weapon you'd like. Press start and you can view the minimap and all of their positions, making it easier to find your next target.

***Press select at the start of the round and see who has a mic. Pic out the whiniest cry baby and focus all your team killing on that person. When your respawn counter gets above 30 seconds. Quit the match, and rejoin the session. Rinse and repeat.

***You get 2 "free" team kills before the next team kill instantly kills you, and sets you off on the timer.

***Team killing at the round start will also kill you instantly. Wait until the message text dissapears before you team kill, unless you're going for the 5 man explosion.

***Team killing 2 guys in a row will almost always kill you instantly. Wait a few seconds before killing your next best friend.

***Heart beat sensors are key. They easily show you friendly locations and warn you when the enemy is closing in to foil your plans.

***Always destroy your teams tactical insertions and claymores so you can irritate them even more.

***Follow that whiny kid who rage quit to the next lobby. Rinse and repeat.

****************The stealthy team killer

---Play the round normally to start so as not to arouse suspicion. Follow the guy on the 2-3 killstreak and ask him what his killstreaks are. Wait until he calls in his care package. When his package drops, wait until he runs over to it, THEN shoot him and take it. DO NOT shoot him right after he throws the smoke grenade. Pray that it's a good killstreak and no other friendlies are nearby.

---Play as normal and get a stealth bomber. Carpet bomb your team, and laugh

Credit to: TeamKillerTurbo Gamefaqs forums

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Q: How do you grief- team kill or TK- on Modern warfare 2 for the PC - It is hard and near impossible and has consequences I would like to TK-Team Kill without-Besides riot shields reflecting the damage?
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