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you have to ask your parents for free chat. than you can type numbers bad words and more!!

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Q: How do you make the typing box stop being red on animal jam?
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Why does Animal Jam makes users type the words right?

It is a safety feature to stop users from typing inappropriate words.

How do you make your keyboard stop typing numbers on the letter keys?

Try FN and F11

What is an animal breast called?

stop being gross loser

Was the dinosore the first ever animal?

Loli333 stop being a jerk. And no the Dinosaur was not the first animal to ever live.

How do you get your hamster to stop making another bed?

You can't make it stop. It's the animal instincts

How can I stop hip bone pain that won't stop?

A free typing test allows you to test how many words per minute you are typing so you can improve your typing abilities. There are several on line, but the best is mavis.

What can you do to stop animal abuse in your area if you already volunteer at your local shelter?

spread the message, make sure people are aware f how animals are being treated.

Why does a typewriter stop typing?

Because it is made to eat your kcid

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How do you stop typing so loud?

press softly

When you are typing all of the sudden your typing will jump to a previous line how do you stop this?

Try not to touch the touch pad so much

What does asdgsfhafdhfasgafhafga mean?

It means to stop typing really fast lol