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I believe what you are referring to is alt codes. These are created by holding down the alt key on your keyboard and tapping several buttons on the number pad: ☺ = 1 ☻ = 2 ♥ = 3

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Q: How do you put decoration next to the title of your place on roblox?
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How do you name your game on Roblox?

First, click on configure place. Next, enter the name of your place.

How do you invite friends to a place on roblox?

First, go into Roblox Studio. Next, create a new place. Build whatever you want in the game. Then, when your done. Go to file, and click, "Upload to Roblox". Follow the instructions Roblox gives.

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It's nothing really, probably just there for decoration.

How do you let other people see your place on Roblox?

Your places are visible to the community by default. If your place is not visible you can make it visible by clicking "My Roblox", then "Places" then clicking make active next to your place. If you had Builders-club and lost it you can only have one active place at a time.

How do you place a terrain when you create a place on roblox?

First, go into the "Tools" side bar. After that, go to "Terrain". Next, click on the terrain you want to put into the game.

Where is edit profile on roblox?

First, you log onto Roblox. Next, you click "My Roblox". Finally, click "Profile", and your there!

How do you erase everything in your place on Roblox?

First, on your character's Roblox profile, click on the game that you want to delete. Next, click the 'Configure Place' button right below the place's description. Finally, click the 'Reset Place' button near the bottom of the page, select what you want to reset your place to, and hit 'Update'.

How do you spawn whith a tool in roblox?

In roblox studio you insert a spawn of course. Next, you add a tool you want people to spawn with and press yes to "would you like to place this item in the starterpack or in 3D view?"

Where is teams in explorer on Roblox?

1. Go to "Build Place" 2. Roblox studio on 3. "Insert > Object > Team 4. Look at the folder on the right, labeled "Teams" with a soccer/football pic next to it.

How do you get a regeneration point on roblox on your own place?

First open up your place in the Roblox studio. Next, click the insert button to open the insert window. On the drop down menu at the top of the insert window select "Game objects". Click on one of the spawn points to insert it.

How do you delete a place on Roblox?

It is not possible to completely remove a place from Roblox. However, you can reset your place by clicking on "Configure this Place", then clicking reset and selecting "Empty Baseplate". Then, simply click update. Your place will be reset to an empty baseplate. You can also deactivate a place by clicking on the "Places" near the top of the screen when you are in "My Roblox", and clicking the "Deactivate" link next to the place you want to deactivate.

What is the egg next to you in Dino run do?

nothing its just for decoration.