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Q: How do you put on hair that is in your inventory on roblox?
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How do you get to inventory on roblox?

Go to my roblox and select My Stuff.

How do you get to your inventory on Roblox?

when logged onto roblox, simply click My Roblox, once you have clicked My Roblox, another bar should pop up under that one, click My Stuff, then your inventory will pop up

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got to inventory

How do you wear things in your inventory on roblox?

Go to caracter. Then go to hats,heads,etc and click "wear"

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Easy.. Go to roblox studio and on the far right is a tool that lets you get your models out of your inventory and then place them. I always do this it helps me build better with models..

How do you use the stuff in your inventory on Roblox?

you pras 1234567890 and that is it jeremiah

Where is your inventory on Roblox?

Check in the Sub-group "Stuff"into "My Roblox", it should Be there, you can always find cloths in "Character" -Lithiras-

How do you move things from your inventory like hair to your character on Roblox?

saya memindahkannya dengan cara menabok kepala anda mampus sukurin wkwkwkwkwk rasakan ahai de

How do you make hair on Roblox?

Not possible actually. Only ROBLOX can do that,

How do you get rid clothes you already bought on roblox?

go to them and click from inventory

How do you change the hair on roblox?

First buy hair you want for your Roblox character. Then visit my Roblox and go to my character. Click on hats, find the hair you want to wear, and click the wear button.

How do you get hair in roblox?

Well, go to the catalog and go to for sale on the left. Then look in the hats section for hair. In roblox hair is considered a hat.