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There is no spell to become a mermaid. Mermaids are not real beyond the books, games and movies. They are make believe and do not exist. You can not physically change into anything or a mermaid. It is all make believe.

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Q: How mermaid spell that works and gives you power that you want not a joke?
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What is a mermaid spell that works and will turn you into a mermaid with powers when touch water?

Mermaids are not real. They come from legends and fairy tales. You can not use a spell to make you a mermaid. There is no such thing.

Is there mermaid spell that really works?

No. There are no such things as mermaids or magic.

A spell that works to let you control when you become a mermaid?

There are no spells, controlled or uncontrolled, that will make you a mermaid. Mermaids are not real.

Is there a spell to become a mermaid that actually works?

No. There are no spells to make you into a mermaid. Spells are not real and can not turn people into anything or a mermaid. Mermaids are not real so it is all make believe.

What is a spell that really works in one day to turn you into a mermaid with powers when you touch water?

There are none. Try to be a diver instead.

What does it feel like turning into a mermaid Are your legs forcefully fused together?

it really isn't possible for you or really anybody to ever turn into a mermaid if you talk technically there is a syndrome called mermaid syndrome but you have a better chance of finding a mermaid spell that actually works giving birth to a mermaid to give birth to a mermaid your chance of it living would be 1/1,000 it very rare.

Where can you find a mermaid spell that really works?

There are no spells to turn you into a mermaid. Mermaids are not real and are only in stories, games, TV shows and movies. A thing that is half fish and half human would die the moment it was made. IF you want to be a mermaid go buy a tail and pretend to be one.

What is the best spell or potion to become a mermaid that works?

There are no spells or anything else that can turn a person into a mermaid or anything else. Mermaids are not real. Spells are not real and both of these only exist in stories, films, and myths. It is all make believe.

How do you become a mermaid without any pain?

okay, have you said the inoucient spell? I know people say that the side effects are horrible, but they aren't as bad as those people make it seem. so really, just every now and then, your legs will get this weird tingle, but nothing to horrible, I'll give you the spell, here it is: okay, I'm not supposed to just give this spell to you, but trust me, it works, right now I'm into my fisrt week becoming a mermaid, so you can't tell any one, not even your best friend, it really works, you just have to have patience, so if your thinking about showing people when you become a mermaid, that's not a good idea, because every time a girl becomes a mermaid, a mermaid hunter appears, so be forewarned, and please think carefully, here's the spell: Insouciant inclemency Redoubtable mediocracy Refutable humanity Make me what I wish to be….. A MERMAID Witches one and witches all Give this power to me Repeat 10 times Good luck, just believe, and your dream should come true! 8D

Is there a real spell that you have done so you know it works that can make someone a mermaid?

Mermaids are not real. Magic spells are not real. People can not turn into half fish and half human and stay alive. It would be a mutation. NO ONE can be a mermaid unless they get a costume and pretend.

Is it possible if you did a mermaid spell and be able to turn back human?

No. Because you cannot turn into a mermaid in the first place. Mermaids do not exist. Spells and magic are nothing more than fantasy. If you are talking about any particular work or works on fiction, then that depends on what the writer wants.

If you say a spell and it works but it will take a while to have a mermail tail will you feel ill and weak and when your tail comes does it only come when you touch water?

No spell will make you a mermaid. Mermaids are not real and are only in movies, games, books and TV shows. People can not change into other things or mermaids. It is physically impossible ( think how messy it would be). If you want to pretend to be a mermaid go buy a costume.