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I promise this is not spam or a fanboy awnser, the 360 is "one" of the best consoles ever. But i have to say that playstation 1 is the best in most opinions i found. (not two and 3 at all), you probably think i am a retro nerd now dont you? nah, i play 360 all the time!

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15y ago
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12y ago

Ps3 is the best all day long!

Xbox has crap graphics ,online costs,not as many good games and not good hd!

Ps3 is the best !

Xbox is no match!

Choose the ps3 !

It is worth it!

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13y ago

Xbox 360 by Microsoft has been the most poplular in 2011 It has got good games everything a kid has ever wanted

i think that the xbox 360 is the best console in the world as it has more games and the graphics are excellent and it doesnt break down as much as people say ps3 have as many break downs as ps3 so that is why the xbox 360 is the best console in the WORLD by niclass sperrin and chris dye

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13y ago

The Xbox 360 is a very good system that offers a lot. It has some strong exclusive games including Halo and Gears of War, but popular games like Call of Duty and others are also included in the systems range of games. It also offers Xbox Live, where you can play games online or download new content for games as well as watch movies with Netflix. Xbox Live also comes at an affordable price, only $50 US for twelve months.

The PlayStation 3 is a more powerful system than this one, but I find it lacks games that keep you interested for long, and the ones it has that do, are also on the Xbox 360.

The Wii is more innovative than the Xbox, but with it is aimed more for the younger gamers out there, and from personal experience, I find it gets boring fairly fast.

I would say that the Xbox 360 is the best console on the market right now, just because I have definitely gotten my money's worth out of it and am still going back for more. The other consoles offer at lot as well, I just think the Xbox 360 offers more for the money and can keep the player entertained much longer. The Xbox 360 would definitely be my first choice.

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14y ago

No because the PS3 is only a component of the best system it is a better system when the Move Bundle, and PSP Go portables are added. The best gaming system requires more than just a console now it also requires a 60 inch 3D HDTV with a Home Theater and sound system, high grade internet connect, and all 3 major game consoles complete with accessories and portables.

Then you find some else has the system doubled so they can play online games with friends in the same room. There is no best because even having both a PS3 and an Xbox 360 is better than either alone

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12y ago

Yes Xbox is the best coolest and awesomest console.


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One can purchase Xbox 360 console games when one goes to stores like Future Shop, Best Buy, Target, Walmart. One can also purchase the items online at websites like Amazon and eBay, etc.