Yes there is a Naruto MMORPG out. You have to download it.
Naruto GamesSo Many Games of naruto to pick out ofAnimeCrusades.comNaruto Arena (mmorpg)Ninja Manager (mmorpg)Link Below(tons of naruto games)
Download Byond where u can get at and people made fun naruto online games where get to create ur own character and stuff its called naruto goa
Naiteki-KenseiThis is a Half Life Mod, it has four characters to play as. They include Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, and Sakura. (Note they are not Shippuden)SecondLifeThis game isn't completely based on Naruto, but there are Naruto servers. You can also dress your character to look like someone from Naruto.
there are lots naruto games some are boring try naruto arena it nice or try naruto mmporg i will try to find more
You can play a MMORPG called
There is an online MMORPG for Naruto and other Anime like Bleach, One Piece called
naruto is the main character in the saga
She is a character from Naruto fanfiction, and is not an offical Naruto character.
naruto is a online naruto mmorpg tons of people play it it's online use the characters you pick just you dont move around just stratgey game (naruto anbui should be out soon hopefully)
No. Naruto is not a playable character.