You can go to the Pawforming Arts Center and click on the little window kind of thing in the top left corner. That will take you to the Backstage. Play " Backstage Search" and you will get 200 bear bills. You can also go to the Gym and play one of the games on HARD and you will get 100 bear bills. Oh, and if you ever see me on Build-A-Bearville, add me!! I'm BriannePaws11 !!
For bear boutiqua a receipt code but for pawlete confur boutiqua you just need bear bills which you can ern by playing games in buildabearville.
Make two characters each one will get $1000.000 bear bills. Open two websites of buildabearville with each character on it trade all the others money for nothing of yours. Keep the progres going until you have enogh money.
Go to the sportplex. click on the oanda. Check all the boxes on a "fitness log" he gives you. That will easily earn you 100 bear bills.
The game that gets you most bear bills is the photography game in the meadow. One time it got me over 150 bear bills in just one game!
animal id 04984764328478 key code zallypolkigr
You can't really get free clothes on buildabearville unless you get a new account and trade it then your get 1000 bear bills i hope that helped....
If you mean as in "getting Bear Bills" then you can go to the coffee shop and it will have a red sign that says something like "Help wanted" or "Get a job." Click on it and you will get started.
I'm not sure that's the kind of information Buildabearville just willingly hands out! If you want to get onto Chloe Rocks' acount, I think maybe you should just forget it because there's no way buildabearville are going to give you her password. she's the most important character on buildabearville and has millions of bear bills, LOL! sorry but I think you'd better give up on this one.
buildabearville is a virtual world where you create a person and walk around making friends and earning bear bills to buy clothes and furniture. you do not need to pay anything and is 100% free.
The code is 7572-KN4N-325K. If you need any more codes, you can go to or just type in Buildabearville cheats.
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No, Marshawn Lynch is no longer playing for the Buffalo Bills. He last played for the Bills in 2010.