Hay bales
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Farmville does not allow you to "stack" objects. I presented them with the suggestion as I have an over abundance of hay bales. No answer as yet.
If you are referring to not allowing your farmville avatar to walk, place bales of hay around him/her in the plot of land that it starts off at when loading the game.
do you mean bales? Probably. Hay bales are purely for decoration, and nothing else. They do not feed your animals, as animals on FarmVille do not need food or anything of the likes. You can find the answer to all Farmville questions by following the guides. Check the related links below.
Buying hay bales is one way to level up faster, per Zynga's blog posts. You don't have to keep all of them. Once you level up, sell them.
Jump between the two bales of hay.
650 bales of hay
The noun bales is the collective noun for bales of cotton or bales of hay.
You jump in between the 2 hay bales and push the bales to either side.
Generally yes, if it's grass hay the big round bales will be cheapest, then the big square ones and lastly the small square bales will be most expensive. Alfalfa hay will cost more than grass hay of course.
You can speed up the process of selling hale bales in FarmVille by using the recycle tool. You can find the recyle tool near the multi-purpose tool. The multi-pupose tool looks like a white arrow. The recycle tool looks like a triagle made of three arrows.