There's really nothing hiding in the Antique Shop besides the hint coins
See the related link for a picture showing the location of all the coins in the shop
You don't mention where you are at the time of looking for the Antique shop, However, if you are at the Hotel - Leave the hotel and head North before turning left into the Antique shop, which is off the Promenade.
Puzzle No 64: Stones In A Vase, Location: Antique Shop Answer = Remove 100 stones from the vase.
Puzzle No 64: Stones In A Vase, Location: Antique Shop Answer = Remove 100 stones from the vase.
Puzzle No 64: Stones In A Vase, Location: Look in the Antique Shop Answer = Remove 100 stones from the vase.
Puzzle No 64: Stones In A Vase, Location: Antique Shop Answer = Remove 100 stones from the vase.
To find the coins in the clock shop, start by clicking on the clocks, then continue to click on everything you come across.
Dawson, (Antique shop), Likes Tea No 10. 10 Cayenne Twilight Contains: Dream Fluff Mild -Joy Root Clover - Peppercherry Spicy. Dream Fluff = Relaxing - Clover = Earthy - Peppercherry = Uplifting
Dawson, (Antique shop), Likes Tea No 10. 10 Cayenne Twilight Contains: Dream Fluff Mild + Joy Root Clover + Peppercherry Spicy.   Dream Fluff = Relaxing Joy Root Clover = Earthy Peppercherry = Uplifting.
Tea No 2, Oasis Berry, Contains: Oasis Leaf & Brisk Berry Sweet x 2 Joanie ( Nr Antique Shop) Likes Tea No 2
Joanie ( Nr Antique Shop) Likes Tea No 2 - Oasis Berry Tea No 2 contains Oasis Leaf + Brisk Berry Sweet x 2
the answer is 100. it makes no difference if you remove 2 or 100 to your chances but 100 stones is more money!!!
Puzzle No 74: Sealing Off The Smell, Location: Grocer's Shop To see a complete walkthrough of Puzzle 74 click on the related link below.