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There is no ash if you"re reffering to red in mt silver then nothing he's the final battle of the game. You beat him you beat the biggest challenge Japan could give

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Q: What do you do when you beat ash in Pokemon gold or silver?
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Where can you find ash after you beat him in mt silver in Pokemon soul silver?

He is still there.

How do you beat Pokemon Silver?

you have to go through mt silver and fight red/Ash.

Who is red opkemon?

Red is ash who appears in pokemon soul silver and heart gold after you beat the pokemon league and gather all 16 badges he is at Mt. Silver. He also stars in first gen pokemon games.

Can you fight ash and Gary in Pokemon emerald?

No. But, you can fight them (as gym leaders) In Pokemon Silver/Gold.

How do you beat ash in Pokemon soul silver?

you need to ev train if not use legendarys

What do you do after the power plant problem is resolved?

Get the 8 Kanto badges and talk to Professor Oak in Pallet. He'll unlock Mt. Silver, where Red/Ash/main guy from R/B/Y is. He's got mega high-level pokemon, and is pretty tough to beat. Beat him, and Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal is finished.

Is there a Pokemon game with ash ketchum?

Ask Ketchum's video game counterpart is in Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver on the peak of Mt. Silver in Johto. He will be waiting there for you to battle him.

Where do you find ash on red version?

Mount Silver after beating the elite four, each time you beat the elite four he will be there waiting Allow me to correct the first answer its not ash its red. Second This is I'm guessing pokemon Red version if so then you can't battle red there isn't a Mount Silver in kanto and you can only battle him in Gold,Silver,Crystal,HeartGold,SoulSilver.

On Pokemon heart gold where do you go after obtaining your 2nd starter Pokemon?

I am pretty sure you get it after you beat red/ash on mt.silver and you get it at safron city,the big bulding

What lvl Pokemon should you have before you fight ash?

if its heart gold or soul silver i recommend lvl 85 or higher coz i got beat 5 times with a lvl 95 nidoqueen and other high lvls

Can ash swim in Pokemon Gold?

No, only Pokemon can.

In Pokemon silver does ash come back?

yes he does.If you already beated him,he wont come back.So beat the champion.And you will find Ash A.K.A Red. Plus hes in Mt.Silver.