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that means you got two of the four parts of the red ring of death

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Q: What does it mean when your xbox 360 has 2 red lights and an amber light on the power brick?
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Well they are interior lights. Usually lights light up (assuming there is power to them and they aren't burnt out.

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On a desktop, the power button will usually light up. On a laptop, the power lights (located on the front of the laptop) will usually light up first.

What type of power does light uses?

Lights can run on electric power, gas or acetylene.

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Is led lights the same as Christmas lights?

The answer is that they are not necessarily the same. LED lights can be Christmas Lights, but not all Christmas Lights are LED Christmas Lights. LED or Light Emitting Diodes are the type of light source used not a general type of light. LED lights can be used for Street Lights, Flood Lights, Rope Lights, standard household lights or Christmas Lights. Just about any light out there now comes in an LED version. Using LED lights are a great way to save on power consumption. They generally use 90% less power than standard incandescent bulbs. Your typical Christmas Light is generally an incandescent light unless it specifically says it is and LED version. LED Christmas Lights do use less power but usually cost a lot more than standard incandescent Christmas Lights. Many Christmas Light retailers have more information on their websites regarding LED versus incandescent Christmas Lights that would probably be helpful to look at before purchasing any type of Christmas light to make sure you are getting just what you want.