People avoid haunted houses. You find "quiet" in a haunted house.
Haunted homes can be found all over the world. Most would be found in the united states, this is because "haunted houses" are built around belief and superstition, and America is known for it's "all out" nature and strong beliefs.
Ghosts can be found in haunted houses Ghosts can be found anywhere a person has experienced strong emotions or death. It doesn't always have to be a haunted house, it can be a library, a city park, a hospital, a hotel or other inn. All that is required is the ghost have a connection of some sort to the place.
Oh, dude, in a haunted house, you might find some classic spooky stuff like cobwebs, creaky doors, dusty old furniture, and maybe even a creepy doll or two. Plus, don't forget about those ghostly apparitions floating around - they're like the VIP guests of the haunted house party. Just make sure to bring some sage and a flashlight, you know, in case things get a little too real.
Bats are the only flying mammals and bats are found in many of the deserts of the world.
We just found one in our birdhouse in SC and it is a southern flying squirrel.
The houses made of animal skins and were located in the Great Plains are Tepees which are also referred to as Tipi.
What are cobwebs? Cobwebs are created by spiders as they spin silk to catch prey. They are commonly found in corners and ceilings of buildings, including haunted houses, where they can add to the eerie atmosphere. The presence of cobwebs can also indicate that the area has not been disturbed for some time.
In a haunted house
Metapod. It is found in the Haunted Zone, and is found when you dash into the tree next to the haunted house doors.
The nucleus is found in both animal and plant cells. It is a membrane-bound organelle that houses the cell's DNA and controls all cellular activities.
Tiger, Bengal fox, giant flying squirrel, and many, many others.