There is the children's book Graveyard of the Elephantsby Johann Everitt and illustrated by Kevin Scott Collier. It is a 19 page African folk tale. It is about the tuskers trying to follow elephants to their graveyard to take their ivory, but somehow they have never succeeded. It can be purchased in print or by download at the related link below.
ISBN: 978-0-9781-4756-3
Publisher: Athse Publishing
Copyright: © 2006 Athse Publishing
childrens place
There wasn't one but there were elephants
Horton in horton hears a who
A childrens book called "Good Charlotte" by Carol Beach York
you make the story about the animals or the book name should be about elephants
Caldecott MedalNewbery Medal
That would be Stuart Little.
"And to think I saw it on mulberry street" was the book it was also the first childrens book published by him.
Normally place the name of the book in italics, but not the chapter name.
No, the plural noun 'elephants' is a common noun, a general word for a type of animal(s).A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing; for example, Elephants Delicatessen in Portland OR or Elephants Foot Trail, Bald Head Island NC.