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Q: When can you use the exp share item in emerald it says Dad.. theres a time and place for everything u'll know when its right or somthing like that can anyone help?
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you can't theres no such thing

Does anyone have a gameshark code for infinite rare candies in emerald.?

theres a code kinda like that in super cheats .com its a item buy modifier and you can buy rare candy

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There is no such mountain in emerald. In diamond and pearl theres one called Mt. Coronets

Where can you find a stone store in emerald?

sorry but theres no stone store in the game but theres a diver at route126 that trades stones for shards.

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You can buy curtains so they know theres somthing in their way.

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Of course there is somthing wrong with the band Nickelback ! They suck !

How do you get latios in Pokemon emerald and firered?

trade from sapphire or maybe theres a code

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if you invest in somthing and your stokes go down you lose money and theres no way to get your money back.

When is the clearance sale in emerald?

Its random wait until the tv says theres a sale.

What does duck in the hedge mean?

it means theres somthing here that dosnt add up. like the expression "smell a rat"

Can you fix your Pokemon Emerald?

By all means no but theres always R.O.M.S you can use instead of the game

On Pokémon emerald what are the starter Pokémon?

Same as in Sapphire and Ruby. Theres Mudkip, Trecko, and Torchic.