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go mycomputer/mydocuments/EAGAMES/thesims2/Downloads

put it there

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Q: When installing a mod file for the sims 2 where do you put this file in the computer?
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When installing the mod file for the sims 2 what do you do after you put the file in the computer?

That's the question I've been wanting to know for AGES! PLEASE ANSWER!

Will mod the sims mess up your computer?

yes it can

Can someone download a mod for you on minecraft?

sort of because if there by you when your on your computer they can do the work on installing it. Otherwise, no.

Where do you put the zombie file in cs 1.6?

If you're talking about installing Zombie Mod on your CS server, you need to compile the .amxx file and place it in "plugins" in your AMX Mod X directory. Then, extract the zombie mod files into your "cstrike" directory.

When was Mod The Sims created?

Mod The Sims was created in 2004.

I downloaded a house on mod the sims and it won't show up?

you have to put it into your sims game file they have a speicila file for it called down loads and how to get there is documents-ea games-sim2-down load's- sombody

San Andreas mod?

first you need to download the mod from then do the following as written in the installing notes folder after installing the mod.

Do you have to pay to register on mod the sims 2?

No Mod the Sims is a free site.

How do you see the sims 3 on the toilet without the blur?

There is a mod that removes blurs, i do not have it but type sims 3 nude mod or try mod the sims 3.

How do you get mod the Sims 2?

You can't "get" mod the sims 2, it is a web sit with a lot of custom content and hacks for The Sims 2

How do you upload a sim to Mod The Sims?

Mod the sims. Search it, find it, click "skins" to get the download catalouge. You should have your disk in. Click on upload. Click on "sim". Then go from there. Mod The Sims.

How do you get guns on the sims 2?

you can download it on mod the sims