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The only time where Sunfire is even a consideration over Randuin's is if you are playing a split pusher named Shen or are playing Amumu. More armor, more health, better tanking passive and can be built into progressively. The only advantage Sunfire cape has is a cost advantage.

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Depends totally on what you are trying to achieve with your build. If you are a melee carry with the intention to gain armor, health and some area of effect damage, then you should go with Sunfire Cape. It is also generally an item which you use to snowball the game and is best with champions that are meant to dash into fight/ have AoE themselves, like Rek'Sai, Darius or Dr. Mundo.

If the enemy team has a lot of attack damage heavy champions and your game is pretty much even, then you should go with Randuin's Omen. It is the better choice in case your goal is to simply be a strong dive-in tank.

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