Depends totally on what you are trying to achieve with your build. If you are a melee carry with the intention to gain armor, health and some area of effect damage, then you should go with Sunfire Cape. It is also generally an item which you use to snowball the game and is best with champions that are meant to dash into fight/ have AoE themselves, like Rek'Sai, Darius or Dr. Mundo.
If the enemy team has a lot of attack damage heavy champions and your game is pretty much even, then you should go with Randuin's Omen. It is the better choice in case your goal is to simply be a strong dive-in tank.
Just wait, it should start.
As long as you can run League of Legends on Windows 7(which you should be able to), you can use the collector's pack, since that is redeemed in the game client store.
Yes, League of Legends runs on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8.
If you are going to play League Of Legends for a living i would reccomend you putting some money in the game cause the viewers like watching champs with skin (but dont over do it). But if you play League Of Legends just for fun i reccomend you not to put money in the game cause you will someday get bored of it or you will get to old for it or.... or.... or.... or.............
It means that there was a problem with your client and the game has crashed. If this happens to you the normal thing to do it just restart the game. If you can't restart the game you should go to the league of legends forums and ask about your problem.
Yes League of Legends does work on windows 7, i have windows 7 and it works just fine, you may need to reload it if it doesnt pop up the first time because that has happened to me, but otherwise you should be fine
Take a laptop to play League Of Legends bruhhh.....
when should the vapor canister be replace on a 1996 pontiac sunfire
A good build for Renekton in League of Legends is to focus more on offense and utility. Masteries you should build your tree with include summoner's wrath, brute force, alacrity, weapon's expertise, lethality, vampirism, sunder, and executioner under offense. In utility you should have summoner's insite, good hands, improved recall, and swiftness.
No, I do not have a banned account I do not want. Sorry! And you should just make your own account. When you do, friend me: Totally Fanatic.
In my opinion you should ban kassadin, hecarim, and yasuo. Other good bans are braum, leblanc, rengar and nidalee.
League of Legends (in my opinion) If you played or heard of Dota or Dota2 you'll be familiar with this but before you go you should look up gameplays if you like it or not.