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There are no credits in the clouds on Poptropica. This was someone's idea of a joke.

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Q: Where in the clouds do you find free credits on Poptropica?
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What island do you find the clouds that have the free credits on Poptropica?

early poptropica

How do you find Poptropica credits in the clouds?

that was some dumb persons idea of a joke there is no free poptropica credits in the clouds the only way to get credits is to finish a island,buy them or get membership

Which clouds are there free Poptropica credits?

they are in early poptropica YOU HAVE TO BE A MEMBER FOR IT TO WORK BY THE JETPACK

How do you get free Poptropica credits not in rare places?

its easy first you go to 24 carrot and in the clouds you find 465 credits you can use the credits to fix the town or buy stuff on the poptropica store.

How can you get free credits for poptropica?

You save your game to get 75 free credits.

What is a free poptropica credits cheat?


How do you get 50 credits on Poptropica?

You can earn 50 credits by playing the free "Earth Day" game available in the Poptropica Store.

Cheats on getting free Poptropica credits?

If you want to get 1,000,000 credits, you have to talk to every living and dead soul in poptropica!

How much money do you get if you finish a mission on Poptropica?

For completing a regular Island, a player receives 100 Poptropica Credits for use in the Poptropica Store. For Haunted House (free in the store), the award is 50 credits.

How do you get Poptropica credits for free?

YOU can beat an island and get 100 credits or beat haunted house and get 50 credits.

What if you finished all poptropica island how do you get free credits?

to get all you credits you have to save your game

How do you get 500 credits on poptropica for free?

beat 5 islands