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go to The warehouse is located in the top left side of Veilstone City.

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Q: Where is the team galactic warehouse in diamond and pearl?
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Where is the team Galactic key in diamond and pearl for the warehouse?

talk to the guy outside of the galatic base he will drop the key on mustake

Can you jion team galactic in Pokemon Pearl?

You may not join Team Galactic in Pokemon Pearl or Diamond.

Where do you meet Lucas in Pokemon pearl after Team Galactic takes his Pokedex?

Near the Team Galactic warehouse.

Were do you get the galatic team headquarters key on Pokemon pearl ds?

In the galactic warehouse.

Where is the key in Pokemon pearl team galactic warehouse?

The Galactic Grunt in Pastoria City has it. You need to bet the Gym to get it.

What are the Pokemon team in Pokemon Diamond?

Both Pokemon Diamond and Pearl have Team Galactic as the main antagonist team.

In Pokemon Diamond Where is the special key for the Team galactic warehouse?

You find it in the Galactic Headquarters after they capture Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit.

Where do you get the hm fly in pokemon diamond?

in veilstone city the team galactic warehouse the HM fly will be their.

Where to get fly in pokemon pearl?

You get Fly in the Team Galactic Warehouse.

Who are pokeomon's team galactic's leaders?

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl's Team Galactic are ruled by 3 commanders (Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) and the Boss Cyrus.

Were is there a master ball in Pokemon pearl?

I'm not so sure because i have Diamond, but they're both technically the same . So to get the Master Ball in Pearl, go to the Team Galactic warehouse in Veilstone City keep battling all of the Team Galactic grunts until you get to this room with CYRUS from Team Galactic ( The Leader). Battle him and when you win, he gives you a master ball. Sorry I couldn't get the directions to Cyrus in the warehouse. Advice: Don't waste your Master ball on Palkia. Use it on either Mesprit or Cresselia. Hope I helped!!

How do you complete buck's quest in pearl?

To complete Buck's quest in Pokemon Pearl, you need to first defeat Team Galactic in the Galactic Eterna Building. After that, Buck will give you the Storage Key to use in the Galactic Warehouse. Use the key to access the warehouse, battle your way through, and defeat Team Galactic Commander Jupiter. Once you defeat Jupiter, Buck will thank you for your help and the quest will be completed.