No store in Runescape does such.
no, the cannon can't be used in the wilderness
Click Set-up cannon stand. Your RuneScape character will automatically set up the rest.
If u r talking about a dwarf cannon, then yes around 550K-850K
A normal cannon No, but you can use a hand cannon at your own risk that it could explode whilst you are trying to kill him.
You can buy it on the grand exchange.
About 346 gp each.
To Set up the Cannon: Just have all the parts inside your inventory, and click on the cannon base. Your cannon will set up automatically. To Load The Cannon: Press "Fire" on the cannon when it's set up.
no it will still be with you... This previous answer is very true but make sure you pick it up before 25 minutes or it will decay and you will have to get a new one.
Charles Dale Cannon has written: 'A warning for fair women'
I don't think there is. But you can simply click on the cannon to fill it up.