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Q: Can you still cash a check if its got wet?
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There were five men going to church when it started to rain the our that ran got wet but the fifth whostood still didn't get we?

The man who was fifth stayed dry because he was under a roof. The others got wet because they were outside in the rain.

How can you tell if your blackBerry Storm 2 has got wet?

If there is water coming out of it, then it probably got wet.

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Wednesday the Rabbi Got Wet was created in 1976.

What do you do when your phone screen isn't working because it got wet?

you know by doing the following : taking out the battery and when you see a red spot you now know it is wet but if its not fully red it still works.

Do batteries still work after they get wet?

They will most likely not work. The best thing to do is to put it into uncooked rice in a plastic bag for a few days. It doesn't always work, but it worked when my phone got wet.

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they got their supplies wet and their selves wet

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Possibly the ignition got wet, check inside the distributor cap for moisture.

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Can you still go to a concert if the tickets got wet in the mail?

Yes, As Long As The Tickets Aren't Smudged So Bad That You Cant Read Them