A normal adult human being can hold their breath for around 1:30 to around 2:00 and some adults may be able to last longer. :)
gills-breath under water no gills-can't breath under water
Dolphins don t breath under water. Mammals breath air. Every 15 min they go out of the water to breath
An adult beaver can hold their breath up to 10-15 minutes underwater.
they breath with their gills
they dont breath under water the just hold it and come up for air
They do not breathe underwater. They hold their breath under the water and surface to breathe.
They do not breathe under water, they just hold their breath for long periods of time.
Elepants can't breath under water. They can swim though and they can breath if they stick their trunk above the water.
Yes they do, but they also breath under-water. They can breath under-water for 14 hours.
with gills