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The Algae is dead, but still in the water, it is too small for the filter to filter out. You will need to purchase a product called flock. Alum is the best. don't bother with the blue water clarifier stuff, its just not strong enough for that much alage. the you will put your filter on recirculate, add the alum by broadcasting (throwing randomly) into the pool, let run for 2 hours, then turn the pump off for a day or 2, all of the alage will clump together and collect on the botom leaving the water crystal clear.

Now this is the part that is the pain. you must vacume the sedement from the botom to waste. this will lower your water level, so you will need to add water which will dilute your clorine and stablizer levels.

while your pump is not running you must keep adding shock to keep the free clorine level up, or you will be back at step 1.

once you finish vacuming to waste, re-adjust your pH and stablizer levels and you will be good to go.

consentrate on keeping your clorine level high until you can get the stablizer back up.

Remember it can take up to a week for stablizer to disolve in your filter, don't backwash until it is disolved, or you loose it all. and don't vac the alum mess to filter you will ruin your sand, vac to waste.

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Q: Pool was green and now after 6 bags of shock it is light aqua blue but still cannot see bottom of pool. what is my next step?
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