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Q: What is the other requirement to be charged with homicide if a person in WA state dies in a watercraft accident?
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In Washington state and operator in an accident can be charged with assault by watercraft if serious bodily harm occurs such as risk to death or loss of bodily function and what other requirement?

In Washington state, an operator in an accident can be charged with assault by watercraft if serious bodily harm occurs, such as the risk of death or loss of bodily function, and if they were operating the watercraft recklessly or under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the accident.

If you are DUI and have an accident and the person you hit was killed could you be charged with vehicular homicide?

Yes, this would be common and appropriate.

In Tears of the Tiger What was Andys punishment for the accident?

He was charged with DWI and vehicle homicide and his license was provoked till he turns 21

What are the effects of texting and driving?

An accident with possible injuries and death. If you have an accident while texting and someone dies as a result of this you can be charged with negligent homicide and if convicted go to jail for a long time.

What do you call an unintentional murder?

The term "murder" means a premeditated or preplanned killing of another person. You may be thinking of unintentional homicide, which could range from manslaughter by culpable negligence to justifiable homicide. In the case of the latter, the person must be committing a lawful act in order to claim justifiable homicide - self-defense or accident. He could still be charged with homicide by culpable negligence.

What would happen to a driver who was involved in an accident and did not stop to help the person who was injured?

They would be charged with leaving the scene of an accident in addition to any other charges regarding the cause. There is no requirement to help the other driver.

What charge is commonly used in fatal car accidents?

It depends on whether the driver was intoxicated. If that is the case the charge is DUI manslaughter. If not and it's a true accident, the driver could be charged with homicide by culpable negligance, or careless driving if it's his fault the accident occurred.

Who was tracy morgan friend that got kill n the accident?

James McNair, whose stage name was Jimmy Mack, was the friend of Tracy Morgan who was killed in the accident. A truck driver named Kevin Roper has been charged with assault by auto and vehicular homicide.

How do you use vehicular in a sentence?

The driver was charged with vehicular homicide.

Can you be charged with murder and vehicular homicide in the state of Ohio?

A person can only be charged with one type of homicide for each person who was killed. If a pregnant woman was killed and the fetus was at least half term, then there are two homicides with which a person can be charged. Vehicular homicide is typically a less serious offense than murder. If evidence exists that the driver purposely ran over an individual with the intent to kill him, and did kill him, the driver can be charged with murder.

Is murder considered as an accident?

"Murder" is commonly used to denote, the commission of a death 'on purpose' - also known as Homicide. There is also, 'Manslaughter" used frequently in vehicular deaths, which could mean that the death was not necessarily on purpose but occurred incidentally as a result of an unlawful or negligent act.

Can a 18 year old be charged serious charges for shooting someone with a BB gun by accident?

If it's determined not to be an accident, they could be charged with assault.