How long the carbon chain is, and also the dregree of of saturation
How long the carbon chain is, and also the dregree of of saturation
The hardness of a fat is determined by its proportion of saturated fatty acids. Fats with more saturated fatty acids tend to be firmer at room temperature compared to fats with higher proportions of unsaturated fatty acids. The degree of hydrogenation also affects the hardness of a fat.
Buffer and added hardness do the same thing in a salt water pool as in a fresh water pool. The buffer (sodium bicarbonate aka bicarbonate of soda) stabilizes the pH of your pool so that addition of acid or base doesn't change the pH very much. The hardness, mostly Calcium, helps achieve water balance to make the pool neither deposit (precipitate) excess Calcium Carbonate to your pool surfaces nor corrode (remove) Calcium from your plaster pool surface. The combination of pH, Total Alkalinity (adjusted for Cyanuric Acid), Calcium Hardness, temperature and Total Dissolved Solids determines whether your water is balanced. Just keep these values near their recommended amounts for your pool and you should be fine. If you're a techie and want the full formulas, do a Google search for "Langelier Saturation Index".
Permanent hardness is hardness (mineral content) that cannot be removed by boiling. It is usually caused by the presence in the water of calcium and magnesium sulphates or chlorides which become more soluble as the temperature rises.
Boiling water does not change the hardness of the water. The hardness of water mainly comes from dissolved minerals like calcium and magnesium, which remain in the water when it is boiled. Boiling water only changes its physical state by converting it to steam.
A leading website recommends that pool owners "balance" their pool water using the "Langlier Saturation Index" This system takes into account pH, alkalinity, water temperature, chlorine and calcium hardness. We recommend that for the first 30 days after the Pebble Tec (or new plaster) is applied, pH and alkalinity be monitored regularly as they can directly affect the appearance of the surface. It might help to maintain levels of pH, alkalinity and calcium hardness toward the lower end of the index. Keep in mind, based on your water source; you may need to add "muriatic acid" to your new pool 2 to 3 times per week during the first month. After 30 days, the pool should be checked 1 to 2 times per week and adjusted accordingly. If your finish is a darker color, in particular black, it is even more important that you follow these instructions. Do not chlorinate your pool until water is filtered and pH and alkalinity are acceptable. Chlorine is highly reactive and can cause metals or minerals to precipitate (cloud water, scale and/or stain.
Baking soda will not soften (remove calcium hardness) from pool water. It will raise total alkalinity.
No, baking soda does not increase calcium hardness in a pool. It is used to raise alkalinity and help stabilize pH levels in pool water. To increase calcium hardness, you would need to use calcium chloride.
The hardness of krypton is not typically measured because it is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas at room temperature. Hardness is a property that typically applies to solid materials.
Bromine's hardness is not typically measured, as it is a liquid at room temperature and does not possess a defined hardness value like solid materials.
No, electrolysis does not remove hardness from water. Hardness in water is caused by dissolved minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Electrolysis involves the decomposition of water into its constituent elements, hydrogen and oxygen, and does not address the presence of mineral ions that cause water hardness. Physical methods such as ion exchange or chemical methods like adding a water softener are more effective for removing hardness from water.