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You can as it is the same thing The only drawback may be in the Case of iodized salt and what ever they put in table salt to make it flow easily.

I believe its the anti-caking agent that's added to table salt, also I think buying the pool salt would be more cost effective than a large bag of table salt (do they sell large bags? maybe at sams club or Costco)

The anti-caking agent may be magnesium carbonate - main constituent of the rock mineral dolomite & chemically similar to the calcium carbonate that is the primary constituent of chalk and limestone. So although it's much slower to dissolve in water, it would eventually increase the hardness. I don't know its scale-forming properties, but I think they are very low.

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Think of your pool as a large pot you are preparing a meal. If you taste your meal and it is to salty you add fresh water or more of other unsalted ingredients to dilute. Salt pools are a common since thing. The only answer is something or someone is diluting the salt concentration in the water. Backwashing, leaks in shell needs water added back, meaning dilution. A small leak in the Plumbing system the size of a pin head running an average 8-10 hrs a day can yield around a 2'' to 3'' water loss in that time. Water chemistry unbalanced is also a factor in salt pools. And most of all remember that these salt/chlorine generators are not of GOD. They are made by man. They could be malfunctioning and need to be re-calibrated or replaced.

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Q: Why can't you use table salt instead of pool salt in a salt water pool?
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It was not a pool table if it only had 4 pockets if it was made since about 1800. A 4 pocket table is most likely a bumper pool table.

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Water and chlorine.

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This is subjective. There are few manufacturers of pool table covers to choose from. A good pool table cover is water-proof, preventing any spills from reaching the table surface. For this reason, most pool table covers are of vinyl. The good table covers have cloth backing and are of heavy gauge vinyl. With normal proper handling, these can last a lifetime.

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I do not own a pool table.

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The fastest way is empty the pool. Be careful of temp and water table though.

Should you drain the water when swimming pool is not in use?

No, then you have to refill it and that is a waste of water If it is an inground pool being dry will ruin the pool surface and in high water table areas the risk of turning it into a boat is very real.

In a pool what is the white circle thing in the deep end?

This is the hydrostatic valve. If the pool is emptied it is removed to relieve water pressure caused by the surrounding water table If not removed a pool can float out of the ground.

With existing inground pool what is best to get rid of underground water due to high water table?

If you intend to empty the pool with high water table problems you would be wise to dig down next to the pool until you are level with the bottom and get a submersible pump down there big enough to keep up with the influx of water until you are finished what you are intending to do.

How do you say pool table in french?

Pool table in french is billard

What does opaque mean in an aquatic pool?

Not clear; you cant see through it; stay out of the water.