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Above ground pools should be considered "Other Structures" under Coverage B of the homeowners policy. They don't have to be attached permanently--look up the definition of "structures" in the dictionary. But some insurers insist they're personal property, so check with your company. The following provision is the real problem: "loss to a...swimming not included..unless the loss is a direct result of the collapse of a building...." If your policy contains that wording (usually found in the Additional Coverages section), you probably won't be covered for many common causes of collapse. Finally, note that homeowners policies are not created equal--they differ from company to company, so be sure to read the fine print. '

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19y ago

Depends on HOW the damage occurred. Your above ground pool is normally covered as 'personal property' under your homeowners policy for the listed perils. See Coverage C- Personal Property for the list of covered losses.

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15y ago

I would say it all depends on your policy. I know that I just had an above ground pool collapse and the adjuster stated due to an "exclusion" in our policy that any damage created by water leaking and/or flooding from a pool is not covered. However, we asked about the pool itself being fixed as it could indeed be considered a structure as it is connected to our decking. The adjuster stated that they need a letter from a pool store that provides the reason why the pool imploded. Let's keep our fingers crossed for them to pay for the pool as it will be over $4,000 to replace!

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15y ago

Homeowners policies are not all the same; you can include an above ground swimming pool in such a policy, but the policy will have to state that this coverage is included. Normally, a home owners policy only covers things that are inside the home, not things that are in the back yard. Read your policy, it will tell you what is covered. Or if you don't have a policy, you can get any kind of insurance you like - but everything you insure will add to the cost of your monthly premium.

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13y ago

Yes. Hurricane damage is a covered cause on a homeowners policy. The above ground pool is covered under the other structures section of the policy which means there is coverage. It will be paid on the ACV or actual cash value basis and not replacement cost. Read your policy to make sure but I am quite sure about this.

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15y ago

Probably not as not all houses will normally have a swimming pool. If you want to know either read the detail of your policy or ring up the company and ask.

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14y ago

It depends on each individual insurance - always read the small print!

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15y ago

You can claim an insurance loss for an above-ground pool only if it was covered by the terms of your insurance policy. Check with your insurance agent.

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12y ago

yes it does.

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Q: Will homeowners insurance pay for damage to an above ground swimming pool?
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