Look on the receiver and barrel.
The value of a Harrington and Richardson 7mm Remington mag serial number 52897 depends on its condition. This gun in excellent condition is valued between 125.00 and 200.00 as of 2014.
The G prefix to your serial number shows that it is a model 70 Winchester rifle.It should say this on the barrel of your rifle.
You must call S&W with the serial number to find out if it was subject to a recall.
You will have to call Browning.
Browning does not make a M70 semi auto 7mm nag
It describes the model of the firearm.
On the webste for Browning firearms, under customer service.
Your Browning rifle cannot be dated without you including the serial number to your rifle.Please include this in your next posting.
50-550 usd