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100-800 or so

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Q: What is the price of a sako fin bear 300 mag pre garcia rifle?
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Related questions

How much is your 1977 Sako Finn bear 7rem mag rifle worth?

100-1000 USD or more depenidng on specifics

When was this rifle made sako l461 vixen 222 rifle 85276?

You will have to contact Sako. Falls outside published data.

Can you tell me about a sako AII 243 rifle?

Great rifle.

What is the value of a sako 7mm Remington magnum rifle?

Sako, and Remington are two different manufacturers.

What is the symbol on a sako rifle?

Proof mark

What is the value of a sako finnwolf 308?

Depending on the condition, if the rifle is overall about 90%, then you are realistically looking at @ the $800-$900 range. Due to the limited production and the outragious price that they were offered at. They did not draw a huge following except for those Sako owners and those willing to pay the price for them.

What action was used on the dickson-howa golden bear rifle?

The Golden Bear action was produced by Howa in Japan and is an almost exact copy of the Sako L61R action. Virtually all parts will interchange. The D-H Golden Bear is sometimes found on the used market advertised as a Sako, which it is not. It is, however, a well-made action built on a superb design.

Sako p94s which model is it?

It is the P94s, a 22 rifle.

How can you tell what caliber a sako rifle is?

It will be marked on the barrel.

How do you decode sako rifle serial number 991482?

No "code" involved. You just have to find a source for SAKO serial numbers.

Sako L461 vixen 222 rifle serial No 146566 when was it made?

Someone at the Sako collector club might know.

What is the value of a 270 sako rifle?

100-1000 usd