Fabrique Nationale (the name of the company) arms of war, Herstal, Belguim (place of manufacture. Brownings patent filed.
Not in the open market
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100-300 USD
Impossible to answer without a serial number and detailed description.
fabrique nationale of belguim was the first producer of the browning hi-power.
No sn data in the public domain that can answer your question.
No FN sn data available.
Fabrique Nationale USA. The M240 is a variant of the FN MAG, originally manufactured by Fabrique Nationale (Belgium) in the late 1950s, and produced under licence in a number of countries (as well as an unlicenced production in the Peoples Republic of China).
You gave use the maker- FN- but not which firearm- and the serial number alone does us no good.
The P90 personal defense weapon is manufactured in Belgium by Fabrique Nationale d'Herstal.
The P90 personal defense weapon is manufactured by Belgian small arms manufacturer Fabrique Nationale d'Herstal.