Vermont; vert meaning "green" and mont meaning "mount".
The French words vert, meaning green, and mont, meaning mountain, are combined to make the state name Vermont. And Vermont means green mountain.
Vermont. Its name is derived from the French words "vert" meaning green and "mont" meaning mountain.
Pied & montagne.
Vermont. In french, vert=green, mont=mount, montagne=mountain.
The only other words that could be used in this context are "dike" and "levee", which comes from the French language meaning 'raised up'.
The name Vermont originates from two French words, vertand montagne. The first word means green and the second mountain. They were combined to form Vermont, hence the state's nickname: Green Mountains. (You may wish to check the spelling of the first word!)
It comes from the french words "Monts Verts," meaning "Green Mountains"
Some French words that have "gn" in them are "gnocchi" (a type of pasta), "mignon" (meaning cute or adorable), and "agneau" (meaning lamb).
Mississippi is from an Indian word meaning "Father of Waters". The translation comes from the Chippewa words "mici zibi" meaning "great river" or "gathering in of all the waters" and the Algonquin and French word "Messipi".
French words for small shops may be 'une échope' (compare to English "shop") and 'une boutique'
The place name Massachusetts is derived from the Massachusett tribe language words "mass-" meaning "great", the infix "-adchu" meaning "mountain", and the suffix "-et", which corresponds to "place".