The German's were not treated well in the peace agreement after World War 1. The Germans were pretty much blamed for the entire World War 1, so as a result they withdrew from the League of Nations.
Versailles treaty
Treaty of Versailles
Turkey and Poland
The "war guilt clause" -Germany was blamed for everything. .
The German's were not treated well in the peace agreement after World War 1. The Germans were pretty much blamed for the entire World War 1, so as a result they withdrew from the League of Nations.
Almost all the blame for the war was placed on Germany. ~
Almost all the blame for the war was placed on Germany. ~
Almost all the blame for the war was placed on Germany. ~
Almost all the blame for the war was placed on Germany. ~
Versailles treaty
That depends which peace agreement your talking about. The peace agreement with Egypt was signed by Menachem Begin. The peace agreement with Jordan was signed by Yitzchak Rabin.
Turkey and Poland.
Treaty of Versailles
Turkey and Poland.
The peace agreement signed by the United States after the World War 1 was a ceasefire between the Allied Powers and Germany.