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Austria declared war on Serbia because Serbian Gavrilo Princip had assassinated the archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife in Austria in 1914. The war was declared on Serbia. Russia responded by aiding Serbia. Then Germany sent ultimatum to Russia demanding Russia to stop mobilizing and once the ultimatum was rejected by the Russians, Germany declared war on Russia.

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Q: What declared that Germany and Austria were responsible for starting World War 1?
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What was World War 1 fighting for?

The assasination of the Austrian heir to the throne led to Austria invading Serbia and Russia declaring war on Austria. Then Germany helped Austria while Britain and France declared war on Germany.

What countrie declared World War 1?

Your question is a bit vague, but here are some facts:1914The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria by Serbian Nationals, is considered the point at which the war was started. Austria, seeking revenge on Serbia, sought Germany'ssupport in case Russia stepped in to aid her friend, Serbia. Austria-Hungary,then declared war on Serbia, which caused Russia to mobilize troops against Austria-Hungary.Because of this, Germany declared war on Russia.Germany then invaded Luxembourg, and declared war on France and Belgium. This forced the United Kingdom, who declared war on Germany. Montenegro then declared war on Austria-Hungary.This forced Austria-Hungaryto declare war on Russia and Serbia to declare war on Germany. After the British arrived in France, Montenegro declared war on Germany.France then declared war on Austria-Hungaryas well as Britain. Austria-Hungarydeclared war on Belgium, and Japan declared war on Germany. By August, Japan had declared war on Austria-Hungary.In November the Russians Montenegro, United Kingdom and declared war on the Ottoman Empire.1915In May of 1915, Italy declared war on Austria-Hungary.On October 14, Bulgaria declared war on Serbia, which caused the U.Kand France to declare war on Bulgaria. A week later Russia and Italy declare war on Bulgaria.1916Battles rage from one country to the other.1917April 6, 1917, the United States declares war on Germany. Americans land in France on June 25, 1917. On December 7, the U.S.declares war on Austria-Hungary1918Fighting resumes on the Eastern Front. The war nears it's bloody end.1919Armistice ending the war

Who was responsible for starting World War 1?

Serbia started it because the Serbian terrorist Gavrilo Princip assassinated the archduke and his wife of the Austrian Empire therefore.This resulted in Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia. The Russia helped Serbia and then so Germany declared war on Russia....... and kyle nelson loves men.

Name the countries of the Axis in World War 1?

After the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Russia declared war on Austia-Hungary so Germany declared war on Russia, France then declared war on Germany and after the invasion of Belgium by Germany, England also declared war on the Germans. Also on the side of the axis were Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire.

How did the alliances turn a small conflict into a big war?

Russia has formed an alliance with Serbia as a fellow Slavic nation and Germany with Austria-Hungary as part of the Triple Alliance. Russia announced that they would be backing up Serbia when they went to war with Austria-Hungary and in retaliation Germany announced war on Russia whilst beginning movement towards France and Belgium. This brought the French army into the war; ready to fight a German invasion. Germany declared war on France and invaded Belgium. With the German's still in Belgium Britain declared war on Germany as a member of the Triple Entente (Britain, France and Russia) and Austria declared war on Russia.

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Who was the country invaded by Germany just before was declared in World War 2?

The Rhineland, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. Once Germany invaded Poland, Great Britain and France declared war on Germany starting World War Two.

When did Germany and Austria-Hungary declare war on Russia?

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Who declared war on who in the Great War?

Germany, austria-Hungary, the ottomons, Croatia

What happend after Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia?

After the Austro-Hungary monarchy declared war on Serbia, France and Russia who were protecting Serbia declared war on Austria-Hungary. and then Germany declared war on Russia and France, then UK declared war on Germany...

What country allied with Austria and declared war on two strong countries of the Triple Entente?

Germany was allied with Austria-Hungary in 1914. Serbia was allied with Russia, and Russia was a member of the Triple Entente with France and Britain. When Austria declared war on Serbia after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo. Russia declared war on Austria. Germany then declared war on Russia and subsequently on France and Britain.

Which two European nations declared war on Britain?

Germany and Austria

Why was russia drawn into conflict with Germany after austria Hungary declared war on Serbia?

Answer this question… Russia had an alliance with Serbia, and Germany had an alliance with Austria-Hungary.

A country allied with Austria declared war on two strong countries of the Triple Entente.?


What did austria Hungary do after archduke franz ferdinands assassination?

Austria-Hungary declared war on serbia and Germany joined because it was allied with austria.

Was Germany responsible for starting both World War I and World War 2?

No. Austria started world war 1, however Germany was blamed on starting it and had to sign a treaty accepting ALL responsibility for the damage. Germany started world war 2. WW1-no because Austria-Hungary started it but Germany had to sign the treaty of Versailles WW2 did start because of Germany because of the German dictator Adolph Hitler.

Which nation was first to declare war in what would come to be called the Great War?

Well, World War One and World War Two have both been called "The Great War." This is posted in the WW2 section, so I'll answer this as if you were referring to it. Germany declared war on Poland, technically starting the war. Britain and France were allied with Poland, so they declared war on Germany, and the rest is history.

How did Germany Britain and Russia respond to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand?

After archduke Ferdinand was assassinated, Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia. Russia then came to Serbia's aid because of an alliance and declared war on Austria Hungary. Germany declared war on Russia because of its alliance with Austria Hungary. Britain declared war on Germany because of its alliance with Russia. Other countries such as France and the Ottoman Empire soon chose sides and World War 1 began