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in WW1 your mum was a prostute in WW2 she was a stripper

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Q: What is the difference between a world war1 and wold war2?
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How many years was it between world war1 and world war2?

21 years officially

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World war1 was a defensive war world war2 would be a war of what?


Was wORLD WAR1 wrser than world war2?

world war 2 was more of a world war. It was fought on more fronts and included more countries.

What three events helped make the US world power?

world war2 industrial revolution cold war or world war1

How were the two world wars related?

the 2 wars (world war1 and world war2 are related because there was a lot of dist ruction and many people died

What are three major wars that shaped ancient Greece?

war1 war2 war3

Why did adoft Hitler startworld war 2?

Adolf Hitler started world war2 because Germany was blamed for world war1 and Adolf Hitler said he will redeem Germany and Adolf Hitler fought in world war2

Which war was longer world war1 or world war2?

World war 2 was longer only by a couple months ww1 lasted almost 6 but ww2 was 6 years 4 months

What major events happened between 1350-1400?

I know one is colomubus discovering the americas...

Who was president in war1 and war2?

WW1 --- Woodrow Wilson WW2 --- Franklin Delano Roosevelt until his death and replacement by Harry Truman.

Who won war between France and Mexico?

world war2-x