depends on which country. in Russia it was probably the NEP and starting the collective farming process as well as rapid industrialisation. in Cuba it was getting out the corruption and foreign influence on the island. in North Korea it was rebuilding the entire country from bombed out earth. no two are alike in that they all started based on material conditions present in their country at the time. Russian socialism was different than Chinese is different than north Korean. they all adapt marxist principles to fit their own culture so they all have different problems after their respective revolutions.
depends on which country. in Russia it was probably the NEP and starting the collective farming process as well as rapid industrialisation. in Cuba it was getting out the corruption and foreign influence on the island. in North Korea it was rebuilding the entire country from bombed out earth. no two are alike in that they all started based on material conditions present in their country at the time. Russian socialism was different than Chinese is different than north Korean. they all adapt marxist principles to fit their own culture so they all have different problems after their respective revolutions.
The Brezhnev Doctrine was the Soviet policy (named after Premier Leonid Brezhnev) of using military force to topple any government within the Warsaw Pact which began to show bourgeois tendencies. It's first and only implementation was against Czechoslovakia in 1968, where armies of the Warsaw Pact were successfully able to force liberal Communist Alexander Dubcek from power.
The Soviet Union Leader Stalin refused to allow the Eastern European nations to be freed to have their own self-rule. They became known as the Eastern Bloc.Stalin also refused to allow half of Germany and Berlin to be free. They became oppressed and ruled by the communist nation of the Soviet Union for 45 years. General Eisenhower, President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill did their best to get Stalin to free all the nations in which his military conquered the Nazi Wehrmacht.Roosevelt was furious that Stalin did not want to give up his communist agenda of imperialism. President Truman had to deal with the problem after Roosevelt died. The Korean War became his headache.The atomic age was born out of the "democracies" versus "communists" conflict. At one point General MacArthur wanted to drop atomic bombs on North Korea. Truman put a stop to this.The problem borne out of the Eastern European takeover escalated to the Cold War and was not reversed after Stalin died.
Slavery wasn't even much of a problem then. Peasants were his slaves you can say... and of course he had no problem with that.
Anything that is expanded should, by definition, be more complex and detailed.
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In short, Marxists viewed World War I as wealthy emperors, kings, and capitalists squabbling over colonies and materials. Basically, poor and middle-class people were being forced to fight and die so rich people could get richer. Marxists not only opposed this, but also wanted to rid of the emperors, kings, and capitalists.
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In 1903, Russian Marxists were of the belief that Karl Marx was correct in that certain conditions in a nation were prerequisites that were needed before the scientific workers revolution could begin. With that in mind the general outline for a society primed for revolution had to be sitting on certain very democratic conditions. Most Marxists had most of the following in mind. These goals were the following;1. rule by the people, meaning a freely elected legislative body;2. direct elections by secret ballot;3. widespread local governments throughout Russia;4. the inviolability of person and their homes; and5. free speech and the right to vote.By themselves, it would seem there would be no need for a revolution at all. However, with that said, the Marxists of the time saw similar governments in the West. The problem with these countries was the control of production by capitalists. The Russian Marxists believed that when the above conditions were in place, the workers would next want to end the system that oppressed them. Then, the workers' revolution.
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The US was the leader of the "Free World" against the "Communist World"; the cold war.
I think we have an underlying problem with definitions here.There are "China Towns" is several large US cities that have populations large enough to qualify as a City.But Communist CitiesNO
their command economies have been inefficient