here are some usefull links
Tensions at the beginning of the 20th century included concerns between European countries which eventually led to World War 1, the Spanish Flu, Prohibition, the Stock Market crash, or the Great Depression.
the stock market has gone downGlobal Warming
the 2008 Olympics was one thing world stock market drop also.
The stock market crash of 1929 put an end to the prosperity of the 1920s in the United States.
Herbert Hoover was president of the United States during the stock market crash of 1929.
Herbert Hoover was president during the 1929 stock market crash. He succeeded Calvin Coolidge in March of that year.
The stock market crashed before World War 2, in 1929.
The Great Depression refers to the economic downfall that took place before and during World War II. This was due to a severe lack of jobs and the crash of the stock market
People selling their shares
Stock Market Crash
(apex) black tuesday
The stock market crash of 1929.
The country entered a depression as the result of the stock market crash.
stock market crash
Herbert Hoover was President of the United States when the Stock Market Crashed in 1929.
Herbert Hoover was the president when the stock market crash of October 24,1929 occurred.