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I am sorry but the virtual world has been officially shut down and the key points of it are now at the horrible histories website.

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Q: When does the horrible histories virtual world come out for people in countries other than Britain?
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Who is Xu Chongming?

Xu Chongming was a Chinese physician. It is believed that he was the first one to introduce the concept of virtual auricle.?æ

Why did people think Prussia and Germany would try to prevent a war?

I don't think any European powers thought they would be peaceful. Germany formed out of a continuous victorious Prussian Army under the Hohenzollern dynasty turning them into a virtual military superpower the world had never seen, after so many wars the Kingdom, then State of Prussia was dissolved permanently in 1947, half of Prussia was handed to Poland. Prussia (PREUSSEN) has never been a peaceful kingdom, or state

How many wives did Jahangir have?

Jahangir had more than one wife. Man Bai, daughter of Raja Bhagwan Das, was his first and favorite wife. Unfortunately she committed suicide in grief at Khusrau's behavior and the misconduct of her brother Madhu Singh in 1605. Jodh Bai (mother of Shah Jahan) and Sahib-i-Jamal (mother of Parveiz) were some of his other wives. In May 1611, Jahangir married Nur Jahan. Gradually she became his chief wife and virtual ruler of the Kingdom.

What are some reasons the revolutionary war was fought?

The Revolutionary war started because the British wanted to take over the colonists land which then started the sugar act, and the Boston tea party and all the other stuff that happened during that time to lead to the war anyways the colonists were tired of the British bulling them so the n broke out the war . you were either for the war( the colonists ) or against the war( the British).the revolutionary war was not a declared war it was a war of rebellion (britain)

How many Jewish people were left in the world after World War 2?

Between 1939 and 1945, the worldwide Jewish population decreased according to the Jewish Virtual Library from 16.7 to 11 million. According to the Jewish World Almanac however the total number remained practically stable between 1933 and 1948 at a little above 15 million. Looking at the latter publication's figures for Europe alone, this number remains almost unchanged as well, which seems improbable. One of the Almanac's editors later said that the post-war figures had been an estimate and that the real figure probably was closer to 12 million.So 11 to 12 million is probably correct. Today's number of 14 million is largely and equally divided over two groups, in Israel and the US.

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Why did US attack Normandy in World War 2?

The US attacked Normandy as part of the Allied Armies of Britain, USA and Canada to force the German armies of occupation out of the occupied countries where people were living in virtual slavery.

How developing countries can embrace the concept of virtual workplace?

jfghj 22

Where is it possible to attend a virtual high school?

Virtual schools are currently widely available in three developed countries. Most states in the USA, certain provinces in Canada, and the United Kingdom offer virtual pre-college schooling.

What is a live virtual agent?

A live virtual agent is a form of assistant which is alive. However it is different from normal living assistants because it is "virtual" - ie, computerised. They are often used by businessmen for making important financial decisions, and also by governments to rule countries.

What did virtual representation mean for the colonies?

Virtual representation was a scapegoat to let Parliament tax the colonies even though the colonies couldn't elect members for Parliament. It meant Britain could tax the colonies without colonial representation.

Is virtual server hosting legal in all countries around the world?

Virtual server hosting is legal as long as no illegal activities are going on. That would include intellectual copyrights infringement and other such computer activities.

What did the argument between great Britain and its American colonies between the 1760s and 1770s over virtual representation concern?

Parliament's ability to reflect colonial assemblies.

What is the definition of Actual vs virtual representation?

In the British ruled colonies, Britain had a polcy of Parlaimentary virtual representation, which meant that the colonies were represented through someone living in Britain based on a particular commonatily. For example: All shoemakers in colonial new England were virtually represented by a British showmaker. The colonists were angered at the Mother countries policy of virtual representation because they were forced to pay taxes withour being actually represented in Parlaiment. The colonist marched through the streets shouting "no taxation without representation!". Tis is the main difference between the two. I hope this helps.

Who is team was Britain on world war 1?

The team that Britain was on was known as the Allies. The major allies consisted of Britain, France, Italy, and Belgium, and their overseas colonies, and, later, the United States. In the Middle Eastern Theater of Operations, the Arabs were virtual allies because the Hussein Uprising against the Turks benefited the British interests.

Is there a game with a virtual house that you can decorate and have a virtual avatar?

sims is a game that you can have a virtual house that you can decorate and have a virtual avatar .

Are there any virtual world apps?

Try virtual families or virtual villagers

How do you read virtual memory?

Find a virtual psychic to read your virtual memory.