It comes from an expression in the Ga language of Ghana, meaning something like first-second. This is because it arose in older children when a second child was born
Huron Indian word for 'village' is 'kanata'. Misunderstood by the first explorers, the name for 'village' became commonly used for 'country'. so that is how Canada got its nameCanada got its name by the ''kanata'' meaning village or settlement.
History got it's name when women were not allowed to read and write. The word came from His Story. ^ No, it didn't. That is a common misconception. It came from the Greek historia, meaning "inquiry, knowledge acquired by investigation".
Zeus got the sky.Poseidon got the seas.Hades got the underworld.
The word brand comes from the latin word Brand which means fire. (which is where people get branding livestock from) it got it's meaning of something new because when swordsmen made swords, they would say it's brand new! (which ment 'fresh from the fire') so that's where we get "Brand-New car!" or something like that because it's 'Fresh from the fire!"
I think the Columbians did because the Native Americans got killed, and the Columbians got fame, riches, and new land. Who do you think?
the developing countries kwashiokor
which type of lab test suggest for kwashiorkor Or what are the lab test for kwashiokor disease?
we need protein for many reasons for a healthy body for better growth to prevent some nutrutional diseases thats kwashiokor
Yes, the word "got" is a verb.
I like to use the word got as an active verb, as in: I got caught, or I got in; instead of as a passive verb, as in: she got engaged, or he got cancer.
Got in French is - eu pronouncation - u
I've got to get an answer for this question...What have you got there...
There is no plural form of the word 'got'. It is the past tense of the word 'get'. The word get means 'to receive' or 'to acquire'.
I got the word more.
The word "get" is of Middle English origin, as is the word "got." Both words have Old English and Old Norse roots.
The homophone for the word "got" is "gotten". Both words have the same pronunciation but different meanings.
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