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Diego Armando Maradona was born. He is an extremely famous soccer player. Google him.
Within a century of Plato's death his school had been completely transformed by Arcesilas, its head in the middle of the third century B.C.; he imported into it the denial of the possibility of knowledge that had been set up as a philosophical system by the Sceptic Pyrrho two generations before. Arcesilas was regarded as having refounded the school, which was no called the Second or New Academy. Arcesilas's work was carried further a century later by Carnrades, who employed his acute logic in demolishing the natural theology of the Stoics.
there were 2 great roman empires, the Western Roman empire, then when it fell the Byzantine (Eastern) roman empire. but when that fell to the Ottomans russia was named the third rome mainly for its protection of orthodox christians who were fleeing the turks
Japan and Germany economies were both rebuilt after WW2 into the world's strongest, third and fourth respectively after the US and China.
This question is actually unable to be answered yet, because the 21st century is not yet over. It is also difficult to answer because different events have different importances to different classes of peoples and different societies throughout the world. However, I would argue that due to its overwhelming impact on international relationships and the role of the United Nations in mediating among conflicting nations, one of the primary events of the 21st century so far has been the United States' intervention in the Middle East in Iraq. This has served as a catalyst for galvanizing alliances and establishing conflicts that have been smoldering for decades. Similar to the assassination of the Arch Duke in Serbia at the start of World War I, many nations are using the US presence in the Middle East as a reason to open hostilities with other nations. Not to appear to ethnocentric, but I believe that another important event was the passing of the Patriot Act and other legislation in the United States as a result of the terrorist attack in 2001. While the attack itself was of little importance on an international scale, the American reforms toward foreign policy and security measures has greatly impacted trade and communication with other nations. The third foremost event of the 21st century has not really been an event, but rather a trend. The modernization and advancement of India and China has resulted in a shift of economic power that will be greatly impacting the future of world commerce in decades to come. With the incredible populations of these two countries, over one billion, meeting the technological advances of the 21st century, these countries are beginning to mobilize into economic superpowers. Although not there yet, when the transformation is complete, this will also be one of the most important events in the 21st century.
The assassination of Severus set off the Crisis of the Third Century.
The assassination of Emperor Severus set off the Crisis of the Third Century in Rome.
If you are referring to the period of rule by emperors, not all emperors were inept. Apart for the period of military anarchy of the crisis of the third century, most of them were not bad administrators.
Three causes of the Third Century Crisis were Internal civil war, external invasion, and economic disaster.
The Crisis of the Third Century was caused by repeated invasions at distant points on the vast frontiers of the Roman Empire. The army managed to repel them, but it became overstretched and there was unrest among the troops. This led to a period of military anarchy. Many emperors in this period were men of humble origins who rose through the ranks of the military and were proclaimed emperors by their troops. The turnover of emperors was fast. Many were murdered, sometimes even by their own troops who had proclaimed them. There were also 35 usurper emperors who tried to usurp the imperial title of to take over parts of he empire. There were two shot-lived breakaway part of the empire, the Gallic Empire and the Palmyrene Empire. There was also a problem with hyperinflation.
The problem of hyperinflation of the Crisis of the Third Century was due to the Roman coins having been debased by subsequent emperors for nearly a century. Emperors reduced the precious metal content of the gold and silver coins to have more of them to finance their expenses. This devalued the currency. In the end there was only a 5% content of gold or silver and the coins became worthless and unusable for transactions and trade.
the frequent change of rulers.
I would not say only 26 rulers; 26 emperors in 47 years is a very high turnover, less than two years per emperor, which is an indication of the chaos of the military anarchy of the Crisis if the Third Century. There were two emperors who certainly died of natural causes, not one. They were Hostilian and Claudius Gothicus. Tacitus and Carus might also have died of natural causes.
Because someone didn't like them. But seriously, there were various reasons for the assassination of the emperors. Some had deviant characteristics, some were despots, some were inept and some were killed because someone else wanted the job.
There was not a military takeover in Rome. There was the military anarchy of the Crisis of the Third Century, where many emperors were military commanders who had been proclaimed emperors by their troops. However, this was not actually a military takeover. There were many civil wars and the turnover of emperors was high as many were murdered by troops, sometimes even by their own troops which had proclaimed them sometimes because they did not want to fight civil wars against rivals who wanted to depose the incumbent emperor.
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The foundation of the city of Rome Formation of the Republic of Rome The three Punic Wars against Carthage The development of an empire in the Late Republic The Roman civil wars of the Late Republic The assassination of Julius Caesar. The end of the Republic and the creation of rule by an emperor created by Augustus The Crisis of the Third Century (an economic and military crisis) The Creation of the tetrarchy (rule by four co-emperors) by emperor Diocletian. The end of the Great Persecution of the Christians by the edict of Toleration by (emperor) Galerius and the Edict of Milan signed by co-emperors Constantine the Great and Licinus The adoption of mainstream Christianity (Catholic and Orthodox) as the sole legitimate religion of the empire by co-emperors Theodosius I and Gratian. The defeat at the battle of Adrianople by the Goths. Fall of the western part of the Roman Empire caused by Germanic invasions invasions.