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The Dominican Friar Johann Tetzel.

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Q: Who was the person sent to wittenberg to sell letters of indulgences?
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Who was sent to wittenberg to sell letters if indulgence?

John Tetzel was hired by Albert of Mainz to sell indulgences in order to pay his debt to the Fugger bank (Albert of Mainz borrowed money from the bank to buy another position (simony) ; approved by Pope Leo X).

Who was sent to wittenberg to sell letters of indulgnets in the reformation?

Johann Tetzel. (The Dominican Friar)

What did Tetzel sell?


What was a layman commissioned to sell indulgences called?


Which pope urged Church officials to sell indulgences to raise the money needed to rebuild St Peter's Basilica?

No pope ever urged anyone to sell indulgences. Selling indulgences is a grievous sin and always has been.

What was the result of the church decision to sell indulgences in 1517?

The ninety five thesis

Who order the Catholic Church to sell indulgences to help build Saint Peter's Church?

* *

Why does the Catholic Church sell indulgences and then say they are the work of individuals when the money goes to the Church as a whole?

The selling of Indulgences was stopped after the Reformation, was practiced only by certain unscrupulous individuals .

Who would sell indulgens?

The Catholic Church, through its agents, the popes, cardinals and bishops, would sell indulgences. This practice has ceased.

Who ordered the church to sell indulgences?

No pope ever authorized the sale of indulgences, that would be simony, and a very serious sin. Indulgences were always issued for good works, accompanied by prayer for the Pope, Sacramental confession, and Sacramental Communion. Up until the protestant revolt, one of those good works used to include almsgiving, but due to issues back then, that has been discontinued.

What did the Catholic church sell that replaced penance for members?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe Church never sold anything to replace penance. There were some abuses connected with indulgences issued for donations to help repair St. Peter's in Rome, in the sixteenth century, and the indulgences replaced penance, but the Church has never offered them for sale, and due to the abuses, indulgences are now never offered for alms.

Can you sell a car were a person died in?

Yes you can sell a car that a person died in. You can sell a house where a person died also.