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The Second Empire ended with the swift and catastrophic defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian war of 1870. The war was engineered by Bismarck with the idea that Germany would be united.This included the capture by the Prussians of the Napoleon III. Then the proclamation at Versailles of the German Empire, the loss to France of Alsace and Lorraine, and the proclamation of the Third Republic.
Germany was forced to make financial payments, and transfer property and equipment following their defeat at the end of WW1. These arrangements were made under the Treaty of Versailles.
Germany did not collapse in the First World War. Germany asked for an armistice as soon as it was clear to a few key German leaders that they would lose the war. This happened before the German population and many in the military knew that they were losing. The swing from victory to defeat was relatively quick (July-November 1918). The German leaders prevented a collapse and damage to Germany itself by ending the war quickly. Unfortunately the German leaders never explained this information to the German people, which lead to the post-war myth spread by Adolf Hitler & others that Germany was not defeated but betrayed.
The Nazi Germans were defeated in World War 2. The Germany peoples who survived the war were at first upset and depressed they lost the war and their loved ones. They did not falter however. With the aid of the allied nations Germans were able to rebuild their nation and have a democratic government that represented the German people. So in that sense the German people were not "defeated" by the war.
Since 1789, France has has at least 23 constitutions, and has gone back and forth between republic, other limited democracy, dictatorship, monarchy and Empire. The FIRST Republic came in after the execution of Louis XVI in 1792. It lasted a very short time and was successively replaced by a Directorate, a Consulate and Napoleon's Empire. After the Empire, the Kings returned. They were kicked out in 1830 and replaced by a different King. He was deposed in 1818 in favour of the SECOND Republic. This one lasted four years; its President was Napoleon's great-nephew, who restored the Empire in 1852. The THIRD Republic followed the defeat and capture of Napoleon III by the Prussians in 1870, and lasted until 1940, when Hitler installed his puppet government at Vichy. In 1945 this was replaced by the FOURTH Republic. Even since then, the constitution has been changed yet again, and we're currently on the Fifth Republic, and counting.
three problems faced by the weimar republic was the treaty of Versailles, inflation and defeat.
Weimar Republic unknowingly did a lot to give rise to Hitler.the weimar republic beleived in democracy forgetting about the stupid minds of the natives, thus they had to pay the sins of the defeat of WW1. Getting weak in such a manner, HItler took advantage of the situation and started his propoganda. This was thw time when people started supporting Hitler. Deepakshi Arora
In the middle ages, what's now known as Germany was called the "Holy Roman Empire". In 1871, these states united to create the "German Reich", also called the "German Empire". After the German Empire's defeat in WW1, the newly democratic Germany was often called "Weimar Germany" or the "Weimar Republic. In the 1930s, they changed the name to the "Greater German Reich", but many people simply called it "Nazi Germany". After WWII, Germany was split into the "Federal Republic of Germany" (also called "West Germany") and the "German Democratic Republic (also called "East Germany). After West Germany and East Germany unified in 1990, they kept the "Federal Republic of Germany" title, which is the official name of Germany today.
The Weimar politicians had to sign the Treaty of Versailles. From that point on the people living in Weimar Germany associated their new government bitterly with their defeat in WW1.Many people in Germany hated democracy, the Weimar Republic was probably one of the most democratic in the world. The roots for democracy in post WW1 Germany were weak.The financial crises of 1923 and 1929 created mass unemployment.
* The 'German Revolution' of 1918-19 had been very shallow, and the old elites were still firmly entrenched in key positions. * The Social Democrats (and liberals) were held responsible for the defeat in World War 1, and above all, for the armistice of November 1918. * The German Nationalists and the German military, who had been the warmongers, refused to accept any responsibility for their role in embarking on a huge gamble in 1914. * Instead of accepting any responsibility at all, the hardline nationalists peddled all kinds of conspiracy theories, such as the 'stab-in-the-back' legend, and talked of Weimar as a 'Jewish Republic', which of course it was not. * The harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles. * Fear of Bolshevism. Please also see the related questions below.
* The 'German Revolution' of 1918-19 had been very shallow, and the old elites were still firmly entrenched in key positions. * The Social Democrats (and liberals) were held responsible for the defeat in World War 1, and above all, for the armistice of November 1918. * The German Nationalists and the German military, who had been the warmongers, refused to accept any responsibility for their role in embarking on a huge gamble in 1914. * Instead of accepting any responsibility at all, the hardline nationalists peddled all kinds of conspiracy theories, such as the 'stab-in-the-back' legend, and talked of Weimar as a 'Jewish Republic', which of course it was not. * The harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles. * Fear of Bolshevism. Please also see the related questions below.
Many Germans blamed the Jews for Germany's defeat in World War I, some even claiming that German Jews had betrayed the nation during the war. In addition, at the end of the war a Communist group attempted to carry out a Bolshevik-type revolution in the German state of Bavaria. Most of the leaders of that failed attempt were Jews. As a result, some Germans associated Jews with Bolsheviks and regarded both groups as dangerous enemies of Germany. After the war, a republic, later known as the Weimar Republic, was set up in Germany. Jewish politicians and intellectuals played an important role in German life during the Weimar Republic, and many non-Jews resented their influence. On the basis of his antisemitic views, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler attacked the impressive role Jews played in German society during the Weimar Republic, especially in the intellectual world and in left-wing politics. He referred to them as a plague and a cancer. In his book Mein Kampf (My Struggle, translated 1939), which was published in 1926, Hitler blamed the plight of Germany at the end of World War I on an international Jewish conspiracy and used terms such as extirpation and extermination in relation to the Jews. He claimed that the Jews had achieved economic dominance and the ability to control and manipulate the mass media to their own advantage. He wrote of the need to eradicate their powerful economic position, if necessary by means of their physical removal.
Many Germans blamed the Jews for Germany's defeat in World War I, some even claiming that German Jews had betrayed the nation during the war. In addition, at the end of the war a Communist group attempted to carry out a Bolshevik-type revolution in the German state of Bavaria. Some of the leaders of that failed attempt were Jews. Moreover, they had played an important part in the Russian Revolution of November 1917. As a result, some Germans associated Jews with Bolsheviks and regarded both groups as dangerous enemies of Germany. After the war, a republic known as the Weimar Republic was set up in Germany. Jewish politicians and intellectuals played an important role in German life during the Weimar Republic, and many non-Jews resented their influence. On the basis of his anti-Semitic views, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler attacked the impressive role Jews played in German society during the Weimar Republic, especially in the intellectual world and in left-wing politics. He referred to them as a plague and a cancer. In his book Mein Kampf (My Struggle, translated 1939), which was published in 1926, Hitler blamed the plight of Germany at the end of World War I on an international Jewish conspiracy and used terms such as extirpation and extermination in relation to the Jews. He claimed that the Jews had achieved economic dominance and the ability to control and manipulate the mass media to their own advantage. He wrote of the need to eradicate their powerful economic position, if necessary by means of their physical removal.
AnswerCleopatra was important because of her interactions also she was Pharaoh of Egypt and was married to Caesar until his assassination and she later married Marc Anthony. Marc Anthony committed suicide over Cleopatra because he recalled that she committed suicide herself; the aftermath was that he stabbed himself several times and she let a Asp (Egyptian cobra) bite him on the breast.~Thanks for AskingPeace Out Girl Scout
The Weimar Republic had serious weaknesses from the start. Germany lacked a strong democratic tradition, postwar Germany had several major political pares and many minor ones, and millions of Germans blamed the Weimar government and not the leaders for the country's defeat.
Many Germans blamed the Jews for Germany's defeat in World War I, some even claiming that German Jews had betrayed the nation during the war. In addition, at the end of the war a Communist group attempted to carry out a Bolshevik-type revolution in the German state of Bavaria. Some of the leaders of that failed attempt were Jews. Moreover, they had played an important part in the Russian Revolution of November 1917. As a result, some Germans associated Jews with Bolsheviks and regarded both groups as dangerous enemies of Germany. After the war, a republic known as the Weimar Republic was set up in Germany. Jewish politicians and intellectuals played an important role in German life during the Weimar Republic, and many non-Jews resented their influence. On the basis of his anti-Semitic views, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler attacked the impressive role Jews played in German society during the Weimar Republic, especially in the intellectual world and in left-wing politics. He referred to them as a plague and a cancer. In his book Mein Kampf (My Struggle, translated 1939), which was published in 1926, Hitler blamed the plight of Germany at the end of World War I on an international Jewish conspiracy and used terms such as extirpation and extermination in relation to the Jews. He claimed that the Jews had achieved economic dominance and the ability to control and manipulate the mass media to their own advantage. He wrote of the need to eradicate their powerful economic position, if necessary by means of their physical removal.