the negative effect of dota is the grades of the students which decreases and do not be able to finish thier studies so that they couldnt graduate.
i am asking the question and you expect me to answer funny
Movies can have a positive effect on youth, and a negative effect on youth. The effect movies have depend on the content of the movie. Movies with positive moral stories can influence youth to display good morals. Movies with violence can encourage the display of aggression in youth.
There are various ways to reduce the effect of media on youth. Giving them total blackout will not work. However you can find positive media that will dilute the effects of negative media.
Yes, Soccer is a youth Olympic discipline.
The moral youth recovery is a program that aims to encourage the youth to develop good moral character. Its goal is to teach the youth to do good for the betterment of himself and the community.
There are so many causes of moral decadence in societies today and these are; Due to unemployment of the youth in societies today, there has been too much theft which has led to moral decadence. Bribery in a society has also led to Moral decadency whereby only those that have money to bribe are the only people that access better jobs and offices
Many aspects in the media industry effect youth in a negative way. Over the years, the media has focused more on sexuality and adult topics rather than topics that are rated for everyone.
many youth will try to commit sexual intercoarse due to curriosity on that matter. because of that, many other youth as of now define sex as their past time.
National Cadet Corps(NCC) is one of the very important youth organization of India.. Its moto is 'Unity And Discipline'. NCC was raised on 15th July, 1948.
Youth are viewed in a negative and positive way in today's society. However youth are viewed more in a negative way because of the stereotypes created in the media such as youth are lazy, unhealthy, ignorant, violent. Simon O'brien
effects of misleading advertisments on youth