First of all 11 years old and only 4 foot 4?! Im 10 and am 5"4 your short
im a boy 11 year old and is 1.49M which is 4 foot 8.888 But people call me short :(
yh you do but im 5 foot 11 and only 13 and the doctor said ive stoped growing
its ok im 11 and 5 feet sh your tall
I am 5 foot 11 and 88kgs and im shredded brahhh
YE$ and im going to prove it im 4-11
im 11 and i wear mens 13s Usa
a healthy 11 year old should weigh around 85-95 pounds im 4 foot 8 and i weigh 85 lbs im trying to gain a little more but i know im healthy
i have met Brandon im 6 foot 11 and 17 and i think he would be about 5 foot 6
4 foot 11 ahahahah in my school we have a 6 foot 9 !! in hawaii oahu !! im 6 foot 1
im 14 and im 6'4" with a shoe size 14