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Here's a description of a snapping turtle:

large head, long thick neck and back of shell has sawtooth edge. The height of the head end is a lot bigger than the tail end.

There is a good picture on the "Nova Scotia Turtles" page of the Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History website.

Scroll to the bottom of the Museum website and click Nova Scotia Nature; scroll to the bottom and click on Nova Scotia Turtles, Click on "fresh water turtles" and scroll down to Snapping turtle.

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8y ago
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9y ago

The plastron of a male, which is the shell on the underside of the body, has a dent or a negative curve while that of a female is almost perfectly flat. Typically, males also have longer tails than females.

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6y ago

A snapping turtle is a species of turtle. There are two types: alligator snapping turtle and common snapping turtle. Both have an extremely tough jaw. They have longer tails than other turtles.

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14y ago

You can probably tell if it is a snapping turtle if you put a long stick in front of it and it bites off the end.

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14y ago

you can tell if a turtle is a snaping turtle because if you have a turtle with 2 teeth hanging not over the lip but on top of it then uyou have a snaping turtle.

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