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You must already have a Purebred Spanish. Or you can buy a Purebred Spanish horse in the sales already purebred. It is impossible to make a breed or breed two breeds of horses to make another breed in Howrse. Only the Administration can make new breeds.

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7mo ago

To get a Purebred Spanish Horse on Howrse, you need to breed an Andalusian horse and a Paso Fino horse together. The offspring of these two breeds will result in a Purebred Spanish Horse.

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Q: On howrse what two horses breeds do you have to breed to get a Purebred Spanish Horse?
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How do you go to your horses on Howrse?

To get to your horses on howrse 1.Go to my horses page. 2.Click on the horse you want to go to. It is that simple. :)