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Sea turtles, plankton, fish.

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7mo ago

Some marine animals that eat seaweed include sea urchins, sea slugs, certain species of fish such as parrotfish and surgeonfish, and marine mammals like manatees and sea turtles. These animals feed on seaweed for its nutritional content and are important in controlling seaweed populations in marine ecosystems.

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14y ago

manatees eat almost nothing but seaweed

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Q: What marine animals eat seaweed?
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What eats seawead?

Various marine animals eat seaweed, including fish, sea urchins, crabs, turtles, and some types of birds. These animals rely on seaweed as a source of food and nutrients in their diet.

What animal eats seaweed?

Animals such as sea urchins, sea snails, certain species of fish like parrotfish, and marine mammals like manatees and dugongs are known to consume seaweed as part of their diet. These animals play an important role in maintaining the balance of marine ecosystems by controlling the growth of seaweed populations.

What is an example of a marine producer?

Seaweed is an example of a marine producer. Seaweed contains chlorophyll and carries out photosynthesis to produce its own food, making it a primary producer in marine ecosystems.

What are the types of marine culture?

The types of marine culture include mariculture (farming of marine organisms), marine aquaculture (cultivation of marine plants and animals), seaweed farming (specifically for seaweed cultivation), and integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (combination of different species for mutual benefit). Each type plays a crucial role in sustainable food production and environmental conservation in marine ecosystems.

Why do fish eat seaweed?

Fish eat seaweed because it provides essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Seaweed also serves as a source of food for certain fish species, offering them energy and sustenance in their marine environment. Additionally, some fish may consume seaweed as part of their natural diet, helping them maintain a balanced and healthy diet.

Related questions

What eats seawead?

Various marine animals eat seaweed, including fish, sea urchins, crabs, turtles, and some types of birds. These animals rely on seaweed as a source of food and nutrients in their diet.

Has seaweed got meat in it?

Seaweed is a plant. There could be small marine animals living in natural seaweed, but they would be removed by rinsing it.

Animals that eat seaweed?


What animal eats seaweed?

Animals such as sea urchins, sea snails, certain species of fish like parrotfish, and marine mammals like manatees and dugongs are known to consume seaweed as part of their diet. These animals play an important role in maintaining the balance of marine ecosystems by controlling the growth of seaweed populations.

What eats kelp and seaweed and pytoplankton?

Consumers such as zooplankton that live in the Marine biome eat the phytoplankton, which is a producer. Zooplankton most probably will eat seaweed and kelp as well!

Do lizards eat food seaweed?

Yes, some snails do eat seaweed. However, depending on the species of the snail, some also eat moss as their daily meal.

How did man impact on the marine life food chain?

We pollute the water by dumping thousands of tons of waste into the water & we eat shrimp, and fish, and maybe even seaweed, we eat parts of the marine life food chain, and even make animals close to extinction!

Does seaweed give energy to animals living in the ocean?

- Seaweed gives out oxygen during photosynthesis, thus, providing the necessary air which is oxygen for the marine animals. - Seaweed also provides as a shelter for some marine animals, for example, seahorses. - They also provide food for some herbivores/omnivores, like fishes.

What do marine fishes eat?

Some are vegetarians and eat marine plants.Some eat coralOthers are carnivorous and eat other marine animals.

What animals eat sea weed?

Many animals eat seaweed, including hermit crabs, lobster, sea turtles, and marine iguanas. Herbivorous fish like parrotfish, damselfish, and surgeonfish can eat seaweed. Seaweed also is consumed by humans.Lots of different animals eat water weed. These are mainly animals who live in and around water.E.G.DragonfliesFishFrogs/toadsetc.Hope this helped, there are many more animals that eat water weed but this was just a brief understanding. ~:)~

What vegetation do the freshwater animals eat?

They probably eat seaweed that grows in their natural habitat.

What plants and animals are taken as marine products?

Examples of marine plants taken as products include seaweed, kelp, and algae which are used for food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. Marine animals such as fish, shellfish, and seaweed-eating marine invertebrates like sea cucumbers are harvested for food or other purposes like medicine or materials.